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According to the teaching of Jung, numbers were not consciously invented, but are spontaneous products of the unconscious. As such, they are archetypal symbols. Modern science expresses all aspects of living things in terms of mathematical formulas. In other words, science relates material processes to numbers. Study of dreams has shown that similar relationships exist between psychic functions and certain numerical relationships. In dreams, the number two usually has female significance. It is the number of union and of the couple. On the other hand, it indicates the opposition of man and woman, mater and intellect, heaven and earth, etc. Three is an age-old magic number. Even today, a word is frequently repeated three times to give it particular significance. It is still customary to knock on the wood three times to avert disaster. Seven is a dynamic number. The week has seven days, the rainbow has seven colors and the lunar cycle is 28 days. The esoteric explanation of the significance the number seven is that it is formed by adding four, the symbol of totality, to three, the symbol of creative intellectual powers. An eight in a dream, or octagonal forms or rooms can have an extremely positive significance. A state of completeness is indicated. On the other hand, if the further developments in the dream so dictate, the eight (as a symbol of totality and completeness) can indicate that no further possibilities exist in a certain situation. In this respect, the eight can sometimes have the significance of a warning signal. We are used to calculating in the decimal system. Eleven starts a new series. In dream symbolism, it indicates new occurrences or progress. Thirteen has a similar significance.
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